Ximena González is a freelance writer and editor based in Calgary. trained as an architect, she writes about urban affairs, HOUSING, AND real estatE.

Calgary families choose the suburbs—why?

The negative consequences of urban sprawl are well documented. The suburbs are bad for the environment, bad for our health, and often also bad for our sense of community. Yet, in 2018 Calgary city council approved the development of the infamous 14 new communities in the outskirts of the city, pushing the limits of the city’s budget, infrastructure capacity, and environmental resilience.

For those of us who enjoy the perks of inner-city living—the amenities, walkability and vibrancy of our communities—it can be hard to understand those who’ve chosen to drive everywhere in exchange of “more bang for their buck,” a big yard and a two-car garage.

Read more.

I don’t love High Park—and that’s okay

For immigrants, hard work isn’t optional